Spicy or Not Here I Come

The conversation started with "if they only would sell something nice" to keep the "stuff" I have on the countertop in check. Oh well, the next day they brought the check.
Mario Esposito, Victoria Esposito 2 min read
Spicy or Not Here I Come

Between a sunset or sci-fi scene sky, we get inspired, and the sentence uttered out of our mouth is "to the lab!"

My dear friend David had a few random pieces of a sweet Monkey Pie tree lying around. And he thought "I am going to drop them off at Mario's". Yes, not just giving it away for free but dropping it off too. We all need more David people in our lives!

Took some measurements at the client's house, sketched the idea on my trusty iPad and then I start jamming.

You want those cuts to be really tight so that the containers are adherent really nice to the walls and stay secured.

that took some patience and time...

then it was time for giving it some personality to the piece, I love cubism but in the kitchen it's a no-no.

I added a signature touch and then treated with beeswax to protect the wood from spills and other kitchen flying stuff 😅

I loved it so much that I made one for us too!

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