Join us on our island adventure and keep up with our latest updates on life, friends, and everything in between. In this category, we share our experiences and insights living on the island, from beach days and outdoor adventures to local culture and traditions. We also keep you in the loop on our friends' updates and milestones, from new babies and weddings to travel and career highlights. Follow along to discover the beauty and wonder of island life and the power of friendship
73 postsDon't touch the coral!
Our friend Manuel works for the Hawaiian Coral Cop Police Department. I am paraphrasing his essential role for the ecosystem but essentially he's a friend, so I wanted to make something for his office
1 min read
Sculpt It, Mario!
It hard as it is to sculpture any material, but sculping Kiawe is just asking for troubles and several orders
Coffee Table With Dragons
I took the traditional cup holder in the American couch to the next island level!
1 min read
Eat Well
It's well established that it is not just about good food, it is also about the great company in a well-served dish.
1 min read
Charles & Margrit
Our sweet Portuguese and German elderly neighbors had a printed-on-paper picture of when they were young on the fridge. So we acted.

Spicy or Not Here I Come
The conversation started with "if they only would sell something nice" to keep the "stuff" I have on the countertop in check. Oh well, the next day they brought the check.
2 min read

Gotta Blade It
Mario enjoys canoeing with the manage club, and since their sign was stolen twice, he made two of them!
1 min read
Tai Chi Lessons
Want to practice Tai Chi and don't know where to start? Well, here is your first cue.
4 min read