Welcome To The Future

Let me introduce you to the future and what we are doing to help everyone out, including ourselves.
Welcome To The Future

bLife stands for BOT LIFE – A silent revolution is happening because scientists, makers, and people in the known are too busy cranking bits and bolts to build the future. Folks like you are left in the dark about the advent of Robotics in our daily lives & General Artificial Intelligence (AGI) that resembles Tony Stark's talking to Jarvis.

The founders of this movement are here to document in plain language everything you should know about those subjects and prepare you for what's coming. Whether you want it or not, another iPhone moment for robotics is on the rise. We have a free newsletter where we tell you all about it, and if you feel generous, even an 😅 easy way to support our work in the long run. Whatever you pick, we promise to keep it real and advise along the way.

The BOTs are coming!

Walk along the journey with us. Stay ahead of the curve! Learn all about the exciting future of AI & robotics. Content written for mere mortals not for geeks. #promise

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