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All posts have tags like Island life or Humanoids. Those are shortcuts for collections on specific topics. So that you can cruise through the content while swimming in that gallon of morning coffee or while sinking in that apple cake that grandma holds the recipe so close to her heart.
In this publication, we educate mere mortals, yah know, ordinary people with common sense while cruising Amazon on a lazy day, on why within a decade, robots will become an integral part of human life.
bLife stands for BOT Life and, when appropriate, also for a beautiful life in the company of BOTS.
I know what you are thinking "I can barely make Alexa play the right song when I shout across the living room, and you want me to pay attention to BOTS living among humans?"
Well, my dear Internet friend. In the words of Bob Dylan: the times are a changin'
I suggest you start from this post where my crazy scientist husband, basically Homer Simpson, with a degree in making things work, explains why, during the COVID pandemic, he had that vision that he wants the world to pay attention to. He convinced me to join forces; I suspect it might work for you, too. No matter what, stay in touch!
We hope you will enjoy this free tier so much that you will be highly motivated to upgrade one day.